Technical information benefits enterprise applications

People need information to do their jobs; to enable them to implement, support, maintain and use products and services. But on average employees lose 20% of their time trying to find this information.

Enterprise applications designed to improve productivity by streamlining processes are perfectly placed to address this inefficiency.

By delivering the technical information people need to perform a task, enterprise apps can provide organisations with additional benefits:

  • Reduce time lost through looking for information
  • Reduce errors by ensuring the latest information is always used
  • Support compliance by ensuring policies are easily accessible
  • Support change processes by ensuring latest procedures are used

Examples where accessible information supports businesses

Technical information delivered through enterprise productivity apps can benefit in the following ways:

Benefits of using a dedicated technical authoring resource

To be effective, technical information must be accurate and up to date. This requires a robust process to create, publish and maintain content that meets the organisation’s requirements.

Using a dedicated technical authoring resource is a cost effective way to ensure that you have the capability and capacity to consistently deliver high-quality content. This approach frees costly developers to focus on what they do best – making great applications.

The latest technical communications tools and methodologies, such as single-sourcing, can reduce costs by up to 30%. In addition, using an appropriate tool chain that incorporates XML content, and automated publishing, provides a high degree of flexibility while saving time and improving quality.

doc-department – your technical communications partner

doc-department’s alternative approach to technical authoring gives companies the confidence to offer technical information as part of their service.

Technical information delivers benefits to enterprise applications

Accessing technical product information from within an enterprise productivity application can further streamline processes and enhance the benefits of an enterprise application.

doc-department gives enterprise application development companies the capability to offer this service as an addition to existing solutions.

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Technical information benefits enterprise applications
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Technical information benefits enterprise applications

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